Online shop for the metals trade
Enterprise systems
mvi GmbH is a medium sized company headquartered in Großmehring near Ingolstadt. In addition to trading in metals and plastics and their processing, mvi GmbH also stores a large assortment of every common material, with over 6000 items in more than 2000 m² of storage space.
The metals trade is multi faceted, which is why there is no off-the-shelf, standard shop solution. The very fact that every item can be ordered bespoke by customers in many different shapes and sizes and that there are a myriad of different designations for the same material, such as DIN, material number and alloy, increases complexity by a tremendous amount. To meet this challenge, eMundo devised a shop solution in the first implementation phase that was fit to handle the demands and level of complexity of the metals trade. Furthermore, complete integration into an existing ERP system was implemented in the backend. Making the items easy to find in the existing search machine was another aim of the project.

- Complex master data, that needed to be sorted, structured and cleaned
- Integration into an existing ERP system
- Many interfaces to external service and partners
- Low internet bandwidth (<0.5 Mbit)
- SEO optimisation of over 6000 items
Technical Data
- Implementation as a web application with Bootstrap and jQuery
- Web services (JSON, XML)
- Spring / Spring Security / Spring Web MVC
- Thymeleaf
- AngularJS and UnderscoreJS
- Apache and Tomcat